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Sloane Kennedy's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    48 Books (5 Series)
  • First Book:
    October 2011
  • Latest Book:
    April 2023
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Full Series List in Order

Barretti Security

1 - Loving Vin (Sep-2015)
2 - Redeeming Rafe (Aug-2015)
3 - Saving Ren (Oct-2015)
4 - Freeing Zane (Nov-2015)


1 - Gabriel's Rule (Apr-2015)
2 - Shane's Fall (Apr-2015)
3 - Logan's Need (May-2015)


1 - Finding Home (Jun-2015)
2 - Finding Trust (Jul-2015)
3 - Finding Peace (Dec-2016)
4 - Finding Forgiveness (Dec-2016)
5 - Finding Hope (Mar-2017)

Pelican Bay

1 - Locked in Silence (Sep-2017)
2 - Sanctuary Found (Feb-2018)
3 - The Truth Within (Oct-2018)

The Protectors

1 - Absolution (Apr-2016)
2 - Salvation (May-2016)
3 - Retribution (Jun-2016)
4 - Forsaken (Aug-2016)
5 - Vengeance (Oct-2016)
5.5 - A Protectors Family Christmas (Nov-2016)
6 - Atonement (Jan-2017)
7 - Revelation (Apr-2017)
8 - Redemption (May-2017)
9 - Defiance (Jul-2017)
9.5 - Protecting Elliot (Oct-2017)
10 - Unexpected (Nov-2017)
11 - Shattered (Dec-2017)
11.5 - Discovering Daisy (Mar-2018)
12 - Unbroken (May-2018)

Book List in Order: 48 titles

  • Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and...

  • After years of running from her brutal past Casey Wilkes has finally managed to carve out a quiet life running an animal shelter with her best friend in a small Northern Wisconsin town. And even though her menagerie of unwanted animals can’t keep t...

  • After nearly ten years of moonlighting as a professional escort, Gabriel Maddox is good at giving women the forbidden pleasures they crave. They don’t need to know that something inside of him dies a little each time he does it or that his desperat...

  • After Logan Bradshaw’s dreams go up in smoke, he’s left broken and haunted by a cruel betrayal from his former business partner, a man he once thought of as a friend. His life as a professional escort helped pay for his future once, so maybe a fe...

  • "I've done everything wrong, Finn. From day one. It was the only way I knew how to be with you and still be worthy of you. But I see now that I never really was." --CallanVengeance. It's the one thing on ex-cop Rhys Tellar's mind and he's spent every...

  • He wants revenge against the brothers who betrayed him but first he has to get past the one man he can't resist...At the tender age of eight, Rafe Barretti lost everything. His parents, his childhood, his innocence. And the brothers who were supposed...

  • She was the daughter of a serial killer and she was living in his house…After years of searching war torn Afghanistan for his MIA brother, Vincenzo Barretti has finally come home and now he’s ready to settle back into life as co-founder of Barret...

  • Three men brought together by circumstance who found something none of them knew they needed…Ren Barretti has finally come home after a year of being held captive by the terrorists who slaughtered his entire Special Forces team. But he can’t esca...

  • Zane doesn't do relationships and Connor is definitely the kind of guy who does...Criminal defense attorney Zane Devereaux, is on the verge of having everything he's worked his entire life for. He's on track to become his firm's youngest managing par...

  • After four years abroad, artist Jonas Davenport has come home to start building his dream of owning his own art studio and gallery. But just as he’s ready to put the darkness of his past behind him forever, it comes roaring back with a vengeance.Th...

  • I lifted my gaze to tell Seth no but then I saw it. The thing I’d feared I’d lost. It wasn’t hero worship or the wayward emotions of an innocent child. And it wasn’t some distorted reflection of a man who no longer existed. All I saw was me�...

  • Ex Special Forces soldier Michael "Hawke" Hawkins has spent every day of the last ten years waiting for the moment he would get to watch the life fade from the eyes of the men who brutally murdered his wife, but when he finally gets the break he's be...

  • I didn't know how to tell him how afraid I'd been that I'd never have this moment with him. This moment where it was just the two of us. This moment where he made me feel whole without even trying. --EliAbandoned. Abused. Betrayed.Ex-cop Maverick "Ma...

  • MemphisAt thirty-four years old, ex-DEA agent Memphis Wheland has lived, loved and lost…everything. The ultimate betrayal by the man he gave everything to has left Memphis with no family, no career and a bone deep bitterness that refuses to release...

  • It's the holidays for a group of very special men who've managed to become a family in the last year and while all the guys are coming together to celebrate Hawke and Tate's upcoming wedding, a few of them have big plans of their own... A change of p...

  • He was only there for a business deal... A couple of days...that was all it was supposed to take for property developer Roman Blackwell to decide if the strip of land just south of Dare, Montana would be the perfect spot for his next luxury resort. H...

  • "I knew it would be like finding something I didn't know was missing." --LukeAuthor Gray Hawthorne has it all and he's on the verge of having even more. His bestselling detective novels are being turned into a movie series that will make ...

  • “Once a fuck up, always a fuck up.”Words twenty-six-year-old Dante Thorne has had to live with for more years than he can count and a title he finally earned at the tender age of sixteen when one careless decision led to tragedy. And since he can...

  • At 19, Beck Barretti is living two lives. To his family, he’s a young man trying to find his way after years of battling a mental illness that nearly cost him everything. But to the rest of the world he’s just another privileged kid with problems...

  • “I trusted once. I won’t make that mistake again…”An ugly childhood and devastating betrayal have left 25-year-old Cain Jensen scarred inside and out. Protecting himself means keeping everyone at arm’s length and protecting others means nev...

  • My job is to save lives. But what if the one that needs saving is the one I was sent to take?At 33 years old, Phoenix Jones once had a stellar military career ahead of him. But when tragedy struck his family, he walked away from the path he’d chose...

  • All I ever wanted was to serve and protect my country. It ended up costing me everything…At 49, Vincent St. James has learned to live with the choices he’s made, even if he isn’t always proud of them. After the military he was practically born ...

  • I’ve spent years hoping someone would finally hear me. It’s easier not to try anymore…Ten years after leaving his small Minnesota hometown in his rearview mirror for what Nolan Grainger was sure would be the last time, life has decided to throw...

  • Protecting him was just to supposed to be another job. Until it wasn’t.Two years after surviving a brutal attack from members of his own unit, former Special Forces soldier Cruz de la Vega has found new purpose working for an underground vigilante ...

  • I finally had the chance at a perfect life when I met the man I was supposed to be with. But he’s gone and chances like that don’t come along twice in one lifetime. Right?Former president Everett Shaw had his whole life laid out for him from the ...

  • I failed Caleb once because I was a coward. And he ended up paying the price. Never again... Ten years of war and the loss of nearly his entire family have left thirty-four-year-old former sniper, Jace Christenson, with nothing to come home to. And h...

  • Coming home should be the easiest thing in the world, but I've never felt more lost…When his stellar military career comes to an abrupt and terrible end, thirty-two-year-old Maddox Kent returns to the town he never planned to step foot into again, ...

  • At nearly forty years old, Cash Malloy has accepted that the lifestyle he and Sage, his partner both in life and on the job, live isn’t normal but is what both men need to escape the darkness of their pasts. But he also knows that Sage’s wounds r...

  • NEW COVER 2020 BUT NO NEW CONTENTWhen Nate signs up with a matchmaking app, the sparkly, colorful, always-fashionable florist is hoping to find the guy who will finally see him as more than just a one-night stand. In fact, he’s hoping he’ll find ...

  • Everything was supposed to go back to normal when I was rescued. It hasn’t. And I’m starting to think it never will because I don’t even know what normal is anymore…It’s been two years since Aleks Silva was rescued by his older brother from...

  • Ich hob den Blick, um Nein zu Seth zu sagen, doch dann sah ich es. Die eine Sache, die ich am meisten fürchtete. Es war keine Heldenverehrung oder die eigenwilligen Gefühle eines unschuldigen Kindes. Und es war auch keine verzerrte Reflexio...

  • ZanderThe quick stopover in the small ranching town of Eden, Wyoming was supposed to be the chance to close the door on a piece of my past. Unfortunately, my temperamental car has other ideas. The thing is, with my tattoos and piercings, a guy like m...

  • „Du sagtest, dass du Normalität willst, Gabe. Riley ist deine Chance auf Normalität.Nach beinahe zehn Jahren, in denen er heimlich als professioneller Escort gearbeitet hat, ist Gabriel Maddox gut darin, Frauen die verbotenen Freuden ...

  • Nachdem Logan Bradshaws Träume in Flammen aufgegangen sind, bleibt er gebrochen und verfolgt von dem grausamen Betrug seines früheren Geschäftspartners zurück, eines Mannes, den er für einen Freund gehalten hatte. Sein Job al...

  • ConI have everything I've ever wanted... so why do I still feel like the kid who came from nothing?Please help him...Three little words that have haunted me for years.Three little words that I know I'll take to my grave.It was supposed to be just ano...

  • Drei Männer, die durch widrige Umstände zusammengeführt wurden, finden etwas, von dem sie nicht gewusst haben, dass sie es brauchen...Ren Barretti ist endlich nach Hause gekommen, nachdem er ein Jahr lang von den Terroristen gefangen g...

  • SawyerHiding and running, that's what I'm good at. It's who I am. It's who I have to be...For Sawyer Brower, the picture-perfect town of Pelican Bay was just supposed to be another place to take refuge for a few months before moving on. One year late...

  • Der Strafverteidiger Zane Devereaux steht kurz davor, alles zu bekommen, was er sich sein ganzes Leben lang gewünscht hat. Er ist auf dem besten Wege, einer der jüngsten Partner seine Kanzlei zu werden, und er hat genügend Geld auf dem...

  • Es ging ihm nur um ein Geschäft... Ein paar Tage ... mehr wäre nicht nötig gewesen, damit der Bauunternehmer Roman Blackwell entscheidet, ob ein Grundstück südlich von Dare, Montana der perfekte Ort für sein nächste...

  • ChristopherHappily ever afters.White knights riding to the rescue on their brazen steeds to rescue the damsel in distress.Said knight declaring his undying love.Same stories just with different covers.I'd spent the better part of my childhood reading...

  • Ich habe Jahre damit verbracht, zu hoffen, dass mich endlich jemand hören würde. Jetzt ist es einfacher, es nicht mehr zu versuchen ...Zehn Jahre, nachdem Nolan Grainger seine kleine Heimatstadt in Minnesota zum - wie er sich sicher war - l...

    • / Contemporary Romance
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    Er will sich an seinen Brüdern rächen, die ihn betrogen haben, aber zuerst muss er an dem einen Mann vorbei, dem er nicht widerstehen kann...Im zarten Alter von acht Jahren hat Rafe Barretti alles verloren. Seine Eltern, seine Kindheit, sei...

    • / Contemporary Romance
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    Nachdem Vincenzo Barretti jahrelang im kriegsgebeutelten Afghanistan nach seinem Bruder gesucht hatte, der im Einsatz verschollen ist, ist er endlich nach Hause zurückgekehrt und bereit, als Mitbegründer der Barretti Security Group wieder e...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Sloane Kennedy has published 48 books.

Sloane Kennedy does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Dallas' Stimme, was published in April 2023.

The first book by Sloane Kennedy, Wonders and Curiosities of the Railway; Or, Stories of the Locomotive in Every Land William, was published in October 2011.

Yes. Sloane Kennedy has 5 series.