As a woman lies in an American hospital room, she recalls her brutal childhood in Yugoslavia, retracing the psychological journey that brought her to her present condition and reflecting on the possibility of a new life...
Meeting by chance and falling in love, both Tereza and Jose have complete lives in other countries, but they become caught in a terrifying web that seems to have them trapped, in a tale of obsessive love, passion, and their deadly results. Original. ...
"S. may very well be one of the strongest books about war you will ever read. . . The writing is taut, precise, and masterful." -- The Philadelphia EnquirerSet in 1992, during the height of the Bosnian war, S. reveals one of the most horrifying aspe...
A beautifully imagined story of the last days of Frida Kahlo?s life A few days before Frida Kahlo?s death in 1954, she wrote in her diary, ?I hope the exit is joyful?and I hope never to return.? Diagnosed with polio at the age of six and plagued by i...
A wry, cutting deconstruction of the Communist empire by one of Eastern Europe's exceptional authors. Called "a perceptive and amusing social critic, with a wonderful eye for detail" by The Washington Post, Slavenka Drakulic--a native of Croatia...