As Imogen Zula Nyoni, aka Genie, lies in a coma at Mater Dei Hospital after having suffered through a long illness, her family and friends struggle to come to terms with her impending death. This is the story of Genie, who has gifts that transcend ti...
Set in a southern African country that is never named, this powerful tale of human fallibility -- told with empathy, generosity, and a light touch -- is an excursion into the interiority of the colonizer. Emil Coetzee, a civil servant in his fifties,...
Winner, Outstanding Fiction Book Prize, National Arts Merit Awards (Zimbabwe) Shortlist, 2023 Sunday Times Literary Awards From 2022 Windham Campbell Prize winner Siphiwe Gloria Ndlovu, the breathtaking conclusion to her multiple award-winning City ...
Stupendous African Gothic, by the winner of Yale University’s Windhamâ€"Campbell PrizeShowcasing African Gothic at its finest, The Creation of Half-Broken People is the extraordinary tale of a nameless woman plagued by visions. She works for the Go...