In this quiet and devastating novel about the rise of fascism, Siggi Jepsen, incarcerated as a juvenile delinquent, is assigned to write a routine German lesson on the “The Joys of Duty.” Overfamiliar with these joys, Siggi sets down his life sin...
For centuries, Poles and Germans have mingled in the province of Masuria in East Prussia, and, to preserve this heritage, Zygmunt Rogalla builds a museum that the forces of history compel him to destroy...
Siegfried Lenz is one of Germany's foremost writers, ranking in popularity as well as critical esteem with Günter Grass and Heinrich Böll. In the United States, his stature is based on his novel The German Lesson, but he is also considered one of t...
The innocent Bruno tells the saga of the Zeller family who fled East Germany and nurtured a military practice field into a blossoming tree nursery, only to destroy their success with greed and jealousy...
In a small town on the Baltic coast, in a community steeped in maritime industries and local mores, a teenager falls in love with his English professor. Christian looks older than his years, Stella younger than hers. The summer they spend together is...
“Never has the aftermath for Germans been better depicted than in Siegfried Lenz’s elegiac, The Turncoat. A newly discovered masterpiece.” -- Alex Kershaw, New York Times bestselling author of Avenue of SpiesPreviously...