A MUSHROOM TRIP LIKE NO OTHER In the days that followed the end ofthe world, few could have predicted the Rust Wind, a phenomenon that swept across Japan like a plague, choking the life from the land and its people and corroding flesh into brittle, i...
A MUSHROOM TRIP LIKE NO OTHERIn search of a cure for Bisco’s immortality the Man-Eating Redcap and Panda venture to the holy land of Shimane. Once there, they have an unexpected brawl with the legendary monk Kelshinha. During their fight, he rips B...
A MUSHROOM TRIP LIKE NO OTHERHaving rid the world of the Immortal Monk -- Kelshinha -- the pair of Man-Eaters travel to Bisco’s ancestral homeland in Shikoku, picking up Tirol somewhere along the way. Once they arrive, Mushroom Keepers young and ol...
The Six Realms Penitentiary is a legendary prison so vast and so intricate that many have come to call it the prison city. Hot on the trail of the Akaboshi Mark I, Bisco and Milo find themselves in Kyushu, and there they receive the troubling news th...
WE’RE GONNA NEED A BIGGER BOW…Hot on the trail of their friend-turned-foe, Shishi, the new leader of the Benibishi, Bisco and Milo find themselves all the way in northern Japan. But how are they supposed to stop the blossoming berserker when Bisc...
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!Kurokawa is back from the dead and once again tormenting the citizens of Imihama. But when Bisco and Milo catch a bizarre TV broadcast, they realize the evil governor’s reign of terror has only one purpose: to create ...
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!Kurokawa is back from the dead and once again tormenting the citizens of Imihama. But when Bisco and Milo catch a bizarre TV broadcast, they realize the evil governor’s reign of terror has only one purpose: to create the mast...
A TOTAL CATASTROPHE!All across Imihama, people have begun sprouting feline ears and tails, and adopting bizarre speech patterns! It seems the Ultrafaith Arrow Bisco and Milo fired at Kurokawa opened a gateway to an alternate dimension full of…samur...
Their Legacy, Sweet and BitterA torrential terror makes a splash on the scene, and his name is President Mare! This nigh-invulnerable adversary has been traveling across the country, abducting specimen after specimen onto a giant UFO known as the ark...
Bisco and Milo are basking in the joys of family life when the strongest mushroom keeper from a parallel world falls like a shooting star right on top of them -- and her name is...Bisco Akaboshi! In her timeline, she lost to the rust and just barely ...