When seven-year-old Bethany meets her six-year-old cousin Reana Mae, it's the beginning of a kinship of misfits that saves both from a bone-deep loneliness. Every summer, Bethany and her family leave Indianapolis for West Virginia's Coal River Valley...
In this poignant and beautifully written novel, Sherri Wood Emmons, acclaimed author of Prayers and Lies, explores the complex bond between a daughter and her errant mother... Judy Webster is born in a mud-splattered tent at Woodstock, just as Cro...
From the acclaimed author of Prayers and Lies and The Sometimes Daughter comes an emotional, compelling, and ultimately uplifting novel that explores the fragility and resilience of love -- and the decisions, large and small, that determine not just ...
A young girl searches for a mother's love amid unfolding secrets, in this riveting and emotionally complex novel from acclaimed author Sherri Wood Emmons. The summer that her father falls in love with Emma, Jenny Bohner is just turning eleven. Jen...