Construction worker Michel Thomas' bold, blasphemous, and self-established concepts are wreaking havoc in the world of religion, causing believers to disbelieve and nonbelievers to trust in his self-proclaimed theories. This, in turn, has created a m...
Bob and his friend James love to play practical jokes on each other. But what happens when a joke is taken too far? Who would have guessed that it would result in a renewed faith in God? In Sheldon A. Woodson's "Destination - Sowing and Reaping," a j...
Darkness in the Light contains 12 tales of mental, spiritual, or physical terror; consisting of 3 Intertwining stories existing in the same time line. These tales involve the sowing and reaping of actions performed in the light from the dark regions ...
When Michael hears people talking about religion he explodes into a tirade of well-constructed blasphemy. His wicked logic helps to turn minds against all things God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit; creating advocates for the work of Satan. Mike, with o...