When Rory realizes fairy tales are the real deal at Ever After School, she embarks on a classic quest to fulfill her destiny. Rory Landon has spent her whole life being known as the daughter of a famous movie star mom and director dad. So when she...
In this second book in a series that Kirkus Reviews calls a “fast-paced combination of middle school realism and fairy-tale fantasy,” it’s up to Rory to save the Ever After School -- and deal with her father’s fiancée. After taking part i...
Rory might be ready to star in her own fairy tale, but there’s more danger than happily-ever-after in this third book in a series that Kirkus Reviews calls a “fast-paced combination of middle school realism and fairy-tale fantasy.” Life at E...
Rory and her friends are determined to stop the Snow Queen once and for all in this thrilling conclusion to the Ever Afters series. How will this tale end? The whole fairy-tale world is on high alert. The Snow Queen and her minions are targetin...