Big Mama Stories is set in the South in the 1960's. Daughter, whose mother died when she was very young, is raised by the women in her community, some blood related, some not. At the age of twelve, she begins her journey to womanhood, guided by these...
Set in the late nineteenth century, the novel follows Winter Grace, the uniquely talented daughter of former slaves, who is determined to become an opera singer and her best friend, Nathan Fitzpatrick, an undertaker’s son, who dreams of becoming a ...
Black Power Barbie vol 1. love lives of heroes, is a hybrid novel about Tabitha X and her younger brother, Jackson Five, the children of murdered African American Civil Rights activists, battle for Black Power Barbie as they relive vivid and frighten...
What is the effect of architecture on memory? How does memory affect architecture? In what ways do we carry home with us?In Add Architecture, Stir Memory: Japan Shay Youngbloodexplores, early memories of home, enduring friendship, los...
A gorgeously illustrated picture book that is a powerful love letter to chosen families and the village that raises us. A young girl basks in the love of her community--which includes not only her mother but the many different women who make up her w...
A Family Prayer is a beautifully illustrated children’s book that celebrates all the family -- biological and chosen alike -- who keep us safe and teach us to dreamIn A Family Prayer, acclaimed novelist Shay Youngblood brings to life the prayer of ...
In these series of funny, unsettling, erotic, heart-breaking and sensual stories set in hotels around the world, hotel guests discover private passions, unexpected pleasures, hope, redemption, small pleasures and discover the darkest parts of themsel...