Often saying yes to God requires experiencing heartbreaking trials and performing unexpected tasks. Such was the case with Charlotte Morley who is in the fictional town of Turtle Island, South Carolina visiting her grandparents. A chain of events beg...
Charlotte Morley's getaway trip to a South Carolina island seems more like a stop-over in the Twilight Zone, a place inhabited by everything from the faith-filled to the overly zany. But when the deceitful raise their ugly heads, Charlotte's stay tur...
Charlotte Morley's visit with her grandparents is about to wind down, but not before she starts receiving a series of letters from her aunt, who is in prison for murder and ready to tell it all. Helping her sift through the startling letters is Hiawa...
Holly Wood is the easy-going director of a faith-based senior citizens activity center. She is also in the process of seeking a divorce from her curmudgeon of a husband, Dutch. When the body of Holly Wood's surly spouse, Dutch, is found with a bullet...
When the body of Holly Wood’s surly spouse, Dutch, is found sprawled on the lawn like a wind-blown pink flamingo, the question not only becomes who killed him, but who wouldn’t want to?Holly Wood is the easy-going director of a senior citizens ac...