"Transracial adoption is never oversimplified, airbrushed, or sentimentalized, but instead, it's portrayed with bracing honesty as the messy institution it is: rearranging families, blending cultural and biological DNA, loss and joy. An exceptionally...
The heartbreaking story of five generations of young people from a single African-and-American family pursuing an elusive dream of freedom. The novel begins in suburban Minneapolis at the moment when seventeen-year-old Kollie Flomo begins to crack...
Six-year-old Sam, with his Liberian dad and African American mom, finds a way to bring everyone in his cross-cultural family together at the dinner tableRice and okra soup: Sam’s auntie from Liberia made it, and it’s Dad’s favorite....
"An emotion-filled collection." -- Kirkus ReviewsA CCBC 2024 Choices for the Fiction for Young Adult category!Two teens take the stage and find their voice . . .A girl learns about her heritage and begins to find her community . . .A sister is ...
A Michael L. Printz Award Honor BookPart memoir, part speculative fiction, this novel explores the often surreal experience of growing up as a mixed-Black transracial adoptee.Dream Country author Shannon Gibney returns with a new book woven from...
A young Black girl in Minneapolis grapples with the death of George Floyd In this candid and powerful book, a young girl hears about an unfolding tragedy in her neighborhood. It’s on the news, on the radio, and talked about in her...