Winner of the 2010 Bakeless Prize for Fiction, a muscular debut that reconfigures the American WestThe American West has long been a place where myth and legend have flourished. Where men stood tall and lived rough. But that West is no more. In its p...
As Evelynne Lowry, the daughter of a copper baron, comes of age in early 20th century Montana, the lives of horses dovetail with the lives of people and her own quest for womanhood becomes inextricably intertwined with the future of two men who face ...
A young brawler from Montana finds work as a security guard on the railroad. ...
A cycle akin to the seasons of a life, Blood Fire Vapor Smoke asks questions of the ancient struggle between life and death amidst landscapes new and old. Does ultimate forgiveness answer to ultimate violence in the world? What is the nature of gr...