With all the elements of a classic fable, vivid descriptions, and a wholly unique style, this idiosyncratic debut introduces a new and exciting voice to readers of such authors as George Saunders, Kurt Vonnegut, and Yann Martel. In Light Boxes, th...
Ever since he was a boy, Daniel Suppleton has been deathly afraid of hurricanes, which he fears will arrive suddenly and reduce everyone he knows and loves to trembling skeletons. Retreating to live in a tipi in the woods, Daniel battles demons real ...
Remy is a young girl who lives in a town that believes in crystal count: that you are born with one-hundred crystals inside and throughout your life, through accidents and illness, your count is depleted until you reach zero.As a city encroaches dail...
To fight an underwater volcano is to fight the ghost of the childhood you. The only people to defeat an underwater volcano were Boris and Stella. The Boris Books are filled with stories of intense sadness. The Stella Books are filled with even sadder...
From the visionary author of Light Boxes, a mind-bending office comedy, and a touching modern love story set against the backdrop of an ever-increasingly disorienting America. Being home all the time is depressing, so I tell my boss “I’m ready f...