Amidst the unstoppable force of Fear Itself tearing through New York City, Wolverine and his girlfriend, Melita Garner, find themselves having to make hard decisions in order to do what they do best. The British intelligence-turned-mercenary black op...
Fifteen years ago, our world was overrun by creatures of myth; orcs, dragons, and other nameless horrors threw the entire planet into total chaos. Today, the shattered remnants of civilization must fight just to survive in a dea...
Rook and Ben hunt orcs while the rest of the team embarks on a desperate mission to rescue Will from the lair of The Spider King. Plus, meet the monstrous Red Mother and her "children."
"Will and company continue their journey across theapocalyptic wasteland of the midwest with Johnny Eldritch and the Red Mother inhot pursuit. Ben catches up with Redjaw and Bunny and looks to settle oldscores. Old friends retu...