Sixteen-year-old Mia Kish's small town of Fenton, Colorado is known for three things: being home to the world's tallest sycamore tree, the national chicken-thigh-eating contest and one of the ritziest boarding schools in the country, Westbrook Academ...
To escape Blake Sutton’s army at the end of the enthralling The Well’s End, Mia and her friends jump into the newly gurgling fountain of youth and swim to its very bottom. When they resurface, an astounding world awaits them -- an entire undergro...
Every single day holds so many possibilities -- how do you choose what to do when you wake up? Award-winning author Seth Fishman and acclaimed illustrator Jessixa Bagley introduce a young child and four different paths for their day in this inventive...
“The Stone Soup of collaborative creativity -- eight thumbs up!” -- Jessica Love, author of Julián Is a Mermaid"Bad Drawer is inspiring for every kind of drawer, and it is such a fun, creative way to show what can happen when we work together wi...
A fun, inventive romp of a picture book about a boy who travels back to yesterday to fix his homework but gets into a battle across time with his past and future selves, from award-winning author Seth Fishman.Brandon built a time machine! (It wa...