The classic orchestral fairy tale of a brave boy who captures a wolf comes to brilliant new life. Maria Carlson’s translation and Charles Mikolaycak’s soft, inviting illustrations make for a fine update of Sergei Prokofiev’s beloved story. Pair...
THERE IS NO better way to introduce children to classical music than with Prokofiev’s musical fairy tale of the little boy who, with the help of a bird, outsmarted the big, bad wolf. A new retelling by Janet Schulman follows the basic story, b...
The magical surrealism of the famous opera The Love for Three Oranges is vividly depicted in this pictorial adaptation, designed to create an awareness of classical music among young children. Combining humor, sorrow, fantasy, and a bit of the grotes...
Peter and the wolf is a story about a young boy into whose meadow a duck, bird and cat stray, followed by a wolf. Is Peter scared of the wolf? Pierre et le loup est l'histoire d'un jeune garçon dont la prairie dans un parasite de canard, oiseau et l...
Pedro y el Wolf- en españolPedro deja su puerta compuesto abierta. Un pato y el gato paseo. Su amigo, el pájaro vuela. A continuación se presenta en un lobo que persigue y traga el pato. Él es ahora, después de que el gato y el pájaro. ¿Es Pet...