Author Information
Serena Yates's Latest Book

Newest Release

  • Bibliography:
    61 Books (7 Series)
  • First Book:
    December 2009
  • Latest Book:
    April 2016
  • Author Rating:
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Full Series List in Order

Celestial Justice

1 - Araton's Destiny (Dec-2010)
2 - Zuriel's Fate (May-2011)
3 - Israfil's Future (Dec-2011)
4 - Taharial's Struggle (Aug-2012)
5 - Sachael's Test (May-2012)
6 - Mihael's Trial (Jun-2012)

Men of Riverside

1 - Finding Elliot (Nov-2010)
1 - Men of Riverside: Vol 1 (Mar-2011)
2 - Rediscovering Adrian (Jan-2011)
2 - Men of Riverside: Vol 2 (Aug-2011)
3 - Understanding Mark (Mar-2011)
3 - Men of Riverside: Vol 3 (Nov-2011)
4 - Saving Zeke (May-2011)
4 - Men of Riverside: Vol 4 (Mar-2012)
5 - Forgiving Jason (Jul-2011)
6 - Loving Vicente (Oct-2011)
7 - Convincing Landon (Nov-2011)
8 - Helping Harry (Jan-2012)

Mistletoe Science

The Mistletoe Phenomenon (Dec-2009)
The Solstice Mistletoe Effect (Aug-2010)
The Mistletoe Experiment (Feb-2011)

Modern Battles

1 - Fighting for Hope (Jun-2012)

New Horizons

1 - Rescuing the Librarian (Sep-2010)
2 - Discovering the Actor (Oct-2010)
3 - Encouraging the Writer (Feb-2011)
4 - Supporting the Director (Apr-2011)
5 - Saving the Bodyguard (Jun-2011)
6 - Noticing the Finance Manager (Aug-2011)
7 - Developing the Counsellor (Oct-2011)
8 - Liberating the Security Specialist (Dec-2011)

Scrolls of Vengeance

The Magic Thieves (Apr-2011)

Workplace Encounters

1 - The Elevator Mechanic (Oct-2010)
2 - The Chauffeur (Jan-2011)
3 - The Ship Engineer (Apr-2011)
4 - The Carpenter (Jul-2011)
5 - The Truck Driver (Dec-2011)
6 - The Model (Dec-2011)
7 - The Cellar Hand (May-2012)
8 - The Florist (Jul-2012)

Book List in Order: 61 titles

Book Genre Date Rating
Erotica / ER 0
Contemporary Romance / CR 0
Romance / R 0
Paranormal Romance / PNR 5
(e) Romance / R 0
(e) Romance / R 0
Erotica / ER 0
(e) Romance / R 5
Romance / R 0

Erotica / ER 0
(e) Romance / R 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
Erotica / ER 0
Romance / R 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
Romance / R 0
Erotica / ER 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
Erotica / ER 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
Contemporary Romance / CR 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
Romance / R 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 5
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 5
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 5

Romance / R 0
Romance / R 0
(ss) (e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
Fantasy Romance / FR 0
(e) Romance / R 0
Contemporary Romance / CR 0
Contemporary Romance / CR 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 4
Contemporary Romance / CR 0
Romantic Suspense / RS 0
Fantasy Romance / FR 0
Contemporary Romance / CR 0
Fantasy Romance / FR 0
(e) Erotica / ER 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
Fantasy Romance / FR 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
(e) General Fiction / GF 5
(e) General Fiction / GF 0

(e) General Fiction / GF 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0
Contemporary Romance / CR 0
Romantic Suspense / RS 0
Contemporary Romance / CR 0
(e) General Fiction / GF 0
(e) General Fiction / GF 0
(e) General Fiction / GF 0
(e) General Fiction / GF 0
Science Fiction / SF 0
(e) Contemporary Romance / CR 0

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Serena Yates has published 61 books.

Serena Yates does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Eye of Scota, was published in April 2016.

The first book by Serena Yates, The Mistletoe Phenomenon, was published in December 2009.

Yes. Serena Yates has 7 series.