The New York Times bestselling author of Outlaw Platoon makes his fiction debut with this electrifying military thriller - a gripping tale of action, suspense, and international intrigue that introduces a compelling new hero, Eric Steele. Eric Ste...
“Eric Steele and author Sean Parnell are the real deal.” -- Lee Child Special operative Eric Steele, introduced in Man of War, is on the hunt for a formidable Russian terrorist in this high-intensity tale of international intrigue from the au...
Special operative Eric Steele must stop a foreign assassin targeting top-tier US military personnel and derail a diabolical plot to undermine America’s safety in the third electrifying military thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of...
Special Operative Eric Steele battles a renegade group of bioterrorists armed with a devastating virus in the fourth pulse-pounding military thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of Outlaw Platoon. On a remote mountaintop in western...