This hilarious and timely parody of The Handmaid's Tale follows the hopeless and infertile Dud Wimpole, mistakenly judged to be a potent breeding machine, and assigned to the household of the mighty and mad Commandress Roseanne, with the mission - to...
A companion piece to Tolstoy's War and Peace, which argued against the theory that history was made by great men, Women on Top 2: The Testicles, demonstrates that the future will be made by great women.Available for the first time in paperback, w...
He's not a little boy; he's a little man.When average, semi-hard worker Tom Manginer is afflicted by an embarrassing shrinking condition, he compensates with a massive, debilitating small man complex.Available for the first time, the full length feat...
From the creators of ODD, it's time to take a Prison Break!Struggling with life on the outside, three disenfranchised, emasculated males decide to escape by breaking into prison.It was the most secure prison in the world, but they were determined to ...