The brilliant debut novel by respected music journalist Sean Egan, SICK OF BEING ME is the alternately exhilarating and harrowing story of guitarist Paul Hazelwood, from his childhood on a London council estate where he nurtures his dreams of stardom...
Barry Hines' A Kestrel for a Knave, Stan Barstow's Joby, Bill Naughton's The Goalkeeper's Revenge, Keith Waterhouse's There Is A Happy Land, David Storey's Saville.. In the esteemed tradition of British working class childhood depicted through fictio...
‘The greatest rock ’n’ roll band in the world!’This vainglorious introduction given to The Rolling Stones on stage by an excitable roadie was almost immediately accepted as a simple statement of fact. It was already evident that Mic...
William Goldman is one of the world’s most popular storytellers.Amongst his more than two-dozen motion picture screenplays are such iconic works as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Stepford Wives, All the President’s Men and A Bridge Too F...
Planet of the Apes was a concept that started life in 1963 as a quirky work by French literary novelist Pierre (The Bridge over the River Kwai) Boulle. His concept of a world where humans are ruled over by apes proceeded to become one of the biggest ...