The heart-pounding first installment of the MacNeice Mysteries, featuring a sophisticated detective solving the horrific murder of a beautiful young violinist -- perfect for fans of Peter Robinson’s Alan Banks series.Detective Superintendent MacN...
In the third suspense-filled instalment of the critically acclaimed MacNeice Mysteries, Detective Superintendent MacNeice finds himself in the line of fire when two seemingly random acts of violence lead him deep into Dundurn’s seedy underbelly.On ...
The gripping second installment of the MacNeice Mysteries reads like a crossover episode between Sons of Anarchy and Dexter, as Detective Superintendent MacNeice and his team face off against a gang of violent bikers and a bloodthirsty serial killerâ...
The highly anticipated fourth instalment in the critically acclaimed MacNeice Mysteries series finds MacNeice and his team on the hunt for a sophisticated serial killer who draws his inspiration from classic works of art -- perfect for fans of Dan ...
When a killing spree threatens Dundurn, MacNeice risks everything to protect his team and put an end to it. Detective Superintendent MacNeice returns to Dundurn following a month-long suspension and is immediately thrown into the mysterious case of a...
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Scott Thornley has published 5 books.
Scott Thornley does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Middlemen, was published in July 2023.
The first book by Scott Thornley, Erasing Memory, was published in January 2011.