Across America, a mysterious pathogen transforms ordinary people into raging killers, psychopaths driven by a terrifying, alien agenda. The human race fights back, yet after every battle the disease responds, adapts, using sophisticated strategies an...
A collection of eight horror stories created by New York Times best-selling novelist Scott Sigler, author of INFECTED, CONTAGIOUS and ANCESTOR. This eBook-only title features seven tales from Scott's six years of free audiobook podcasts, including th...
THE ALL-PRO is the third book in the Galactic Football League series, following on THE ROOKIE and THE STARTER. Seven centuries into the future, aliens and humans compete for the greatest prize in the universe: the Galaxy Bowl trophy. Quarterback Quen...
This collection brings you more of Scott's thought-provoking short stories from his six years of weekly storytelling, as well as a brand-new HUNTER HUNTERSON & SONS story and a brand-new KISSYMAN tale....
A murder mystery in space unfolds when star players from the Krakens and Orbiting Death teams are accused of terrible crimes. Star reporter Yolanda Davenport is on the case.This novella is part of the Galactic Football League series, which is describ...
Set in a lethal pro football league 700 years in the future, THE ROOKIE is a story that combines the intense gridiron action of "Any Given Sunday" with the space opera style of "Star Wars" and the criminal underworld of "The Godfather." Aliens and hu...
THE STARTER is the sequel to THE ROOKIE, a hard-hitting, bone-crunching YA sports/scifi novel described as "Any Given Sunday" meets "The Godfather" meets "Star Wars." It's high-stakes, win-or-die football action in the far future, as aliens and human...
THE DETECTIVE is a bit of back story for Frederico Esteban Guissepe Gonzaga and his search for the family of Quentin Barnes.This novella is part of the Galactic Football League series, which is described as THE BLIND SIDE meets THE GODFATHER meets ST...
Undefeated galactic heavyweight champion Korak the Cutter has defeated all challengers, destroying everyone in his path, but the wins aren't as easy as they used to be. After a decade of perfect fighting, his age is catching up with him. For a Quyth ...
New York City, 1946. No one knows his real name, but when the job is too dirty, too dangerous, they call Kissyman. Once an elite Nazi SS commando, an honorable soldier, a taker of lives. When he was assigned to Dachau and saw what he was actually fig...
Welcome to the wide world of paranormal pastimes, where striking out might strike you dead. Editors Charlaine Harris and Toni L. P. Kelner are your announcers for this collection of the most peculiar plays ever made—including a story featuring ...
After his most successful season yet on the field, Quentin sister - his only family - is lost in the Portath Cloud, an area considered to be the "Bermuda Triangle" of the galaxy. To save her, Quentin and his teammates must first escape team owner Gre...
Hunter Hunterson and his kin live in Slayerville, KY, making their living chasing crack-smoking ogres, peeping-tom phantoms, bail-jumping zombie pimps, and the occasional rabid unicorn. When a methed-out vampire (and family friend) goes on a road-tri...
The #1 New York Times best-selling author of Infected delivers medieval carnage as a pre-industrial society fights extinction at the hands of a massive infestation of Xenomorphs.Ataegina was an isolated world of medieval castles, varied cultures, and...
THE GANGSTER is the sixth book in the Galactic Football League series. The ongoing battle between star quarterback Quentin Barnes and team owner Gredok the Splithead is coming to a head. Endless threats and the promise of ultra violence hangs on thei...
MOUNT FITZ ROY is the sequel to the number-one Audible Bestseller EARTHCORE.From number-one New York Times best-selling author of the Generations Trilogy comes the second book in the Sun Symbol series, an epic story of lost civilizations, redemption ...