Set amid a galaxy spanning society comprising multiple species, this collection of stories sparks with the adventures of space traders, customs agents, and those they associate with. Meet veteran trader captains Tramp Darvon, Hazdon Brenker, and Allu...
Ven Zaran’s successful intergalactic trade business is cut short when a brush with a crime syndicate results in his family being kidnapped and Ven forced to work for the gangsters. Unable to rescue them and unaware he has friends working to do just...
Independent galactic trader Ven Zaran has had a troubled past, but he thought it was behind him. He has a family and a successful career, but when he helps out a former crew member against a crime syndicate, it draws him into a spiral of self-destruc...
Ven Zaran steps in to help a fellow intergalactic trader finish a contract only to become the target of pirates. As he loses cargo after cargo, he gets more and more creative in avoiding them, but it only serves to draw the pirate leader’s full att...
Ven Zaran's career crumbles in the wake of a tragedy that takes the lives of his wife and daughter. Leaving his ship docked for an upgrade, he undertakes a journey to find healing. His path crosses that of a grieving young woman, now in search of her...
Ven Zaran is wanted for an act of piracy he did not commit. He knows it, but all the evidence points to him. He goes on the run with the best inspector in the galaxy on his heels only to have a ghost from his past find him. He has to balance keeping ...
Ven Zaran contracts for a cargo that takes him to one of the few non-Confederation worlds. It is a danger he thinks he is ready for, but in a flash his ship is seized and half his crew arrested on minor charges. With corruption at every level of gove...