The Interrogation Chair is an intense, psychological suspense novel with a heart that mixes elements of Jeffrey Deaver, Stephen White and Robert B. Parker. The Interrogation Chair crosses over to whet the appetites of traditional detective story read...
The last person social worker Mitch Adams wants to hear from is St. Louis Homicide Detective JoJo Baker, a man with whom Mitch shares a tangled past. Baker wants Mitch to counsel Lonnie Washington, a disabled African-American arrested for counterfeit...
Clinical social worker Mitch Adams receives an urgent plea to save his mentor, psychologist Tony Martin...from himself. Tony's obsession to develop a Virtual Reality machine that prevents suicides hits a roadblock--the technology doesn't exist. Despe...
Blaze Stark, mega best-selling author and former St. Louisan, enters Mitchell Adam's office one night convinced someone wants to kill her. Given her bizarre peccadilloes and office decorum, he suggests a female therapist, but she refuses. Reluctantly...
Tony faces a potential new world of riches and power beyond his imagination after his best friend Geoff helps him get elected into a secret, exclusive club from around the world called The Nostradamus Society. The owner, an elderly Russian count, hol...
What would you be willing to doto repair your damaged lifeSusan Crusoe is a woman in crisis. Guilt-ridden after kicking their adult drug-addict son out of the house, she's convinced she committed a horrible act in the past that she's repressed and he...
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Scott L. Miller has published 6 books.
Scott L. Miller does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Prodigal, was published in August 2024.
The first book by Scott L. Miller, The Interrogation Chair, was published in May 2010.