In the year 2029, astronaut/pilot Leo Davidson is in for an adventure -- and a nightmare -- unlike anything else. While conducting vital research in space on apes enhanced with human DNA, the crew of the starship Oberon investigates a strange anomaly...
In the weeks before the events in Star Wars: A New Hope, as the Death Star is readied for its fateful first mission, a power-hungry cabal of Grand Mofs and Imperial Officers embark on a dangerous plan to kill Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader and sei...
In the latest Solomon Kane adventure, writer Scott Allie (Exurbia) and artist Mario Guevara (The Lone Ranger and Tonto) are joined by colorist Juan Ferreyra (Rex Mundi) and chapter break illustrator Darick Robertson (The Boys)! Taking place after the...
Collects Star Wars: Empire (2002) #1-6, 10-11, 13-14, 19-22, 24-25, 31. Collected here are stories of the early days of the Rebel Alliance and the beginnings of its war with the Empire -- tales of the Star Wars galaxy set before, during, and after t...
Following a shocking political assassination, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn is dispatched to prevent the outbreak of a civil war on the homeworld of his Padawan Xanatos - whose father is planetary governor. For the headstrong Xanatos, this return to his h...
Cal McDonald's ex-girlfriend-turned-vampire has been plotting his demise since she was first bitten. After a deadly bout of psychological warfare, the ensuing battle ends Cal's life. But Cal's not done yet, and rises from the grave! The first of thre...
Collects Star Wars: Jedi -- The Dark Side (2011) #1-5. Following a shocking political assassination, young Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn is dispatched to prevent the outbreak of a civil war on the homeworld of his Padawan Xanatos -- whose father is king....
When young Jedi Master QuiGon Jinn is dispatched to prevent a civil war, he has a close encounter with the Dark Side! Years later, QuiGon and his apprentice ObiWan Kenobi face an outofcontrol cloud cruiser and the lawless world of Ord Mantell, where ...