In this “slyly subversive, semi-autobiographical” novel “of Arab Israeli life,” a Palestinian man struggles against the strict confines of identity (Publishers Weekly). In Sayed Kashua’s debut novel, a nameless anti-hero contends wit...
Now a major motion picture from award"winning director Eran Kolirin: A “disturbing and powerfully accomplished novel” of conflicting allegiances among Arab Israelis from the acclaimed author of Dancing Arabs (The Guardian). A young ...
Acclaimed novelist Sayed Kashua, the creator of the groundbreaking Israeli sitcom, "Arab Labor,? has been widely praised for his literary eye and deadpan wit. His new novel is considered internationally to be his most accomplished and entertaining wo...
An Arab Israeli man, back in Jerusalem to see his estranged father, narrates “a novel about just how sad, fractured and tricky cultural identity can get” (Seattle Times).Having emigrated to America years before, a nameless memoirist now residing ...