After a year, central Africa has finally started to feel like home to Anne, a human-rights activist from California. Deeply committed to helping the strife-torn nation of Burundi during its first democratic elections, Anne has also begun an intoxicat...
High-tech mercenaries find themselves pitted against freerunning revolutionaries as global corporate warfare becomes centered around a struggling island nation and the freedom fighters defending their home. Hayden Cole is a slinger for the mega-corpo...
An inventive, funny, sometimes heart-breaking exploration of the connections between art and hunger, duty and desire, and loss and survival. Brother and sister Robert and Julia Zamarin are trying to awaken the world to its peril with their tiny polit...
The enchanting novel The Empowered Necklace follows teenage girl Emily on a mysterious journey that unfolds after she opens her mailbox one morning and discovers a mysterious package. Inside lies a breathtaking Egyptian necklace adorned with intricat...
Looking for a delightful bedtime story collection to read to your little ones? Look no further than Mom Read Me a Bedtime Story! Our book features six heartwarming and imaginative stories that your children are sure to love. From tales of magical cre...