Archaeology and dark mystery combine to create a haunting, utterly compelling debut
In the present day, Harriet Deveraux returns to the family home of Bhalla House on a remote Hebridean island estate following the untimely death...
An atmospheric debut novel about a woman who discovers the century-old remains of a murder victim on her family’s Scottish estate, plunging her into an investigation of its mysterious former occupants. Following the death of her last living rela...
For fans of Kate Morton and Beatriz Williams, a highly atmospheric and suspenseful historical novel, set in the 1890s about a Scottish heiress who unexpectedly encounters her childhood friend in North America, five years after he disappeared from her...
A beautifully told and intriguing mystery about two generations of Scottish women united by blood, an obsession with the past, and a long-hidden body, from the author of The House Between Tides. Libby Snow has always felt the pull of Ullaness, a h...
A beautiful and sweeping historical novel that takes the reader from the west coast of New Zealand, to Scotland and Melbourne in the 1870s'Its portrayal of life in a gold-rush town is vivid, and Rose's story is absorbing' The Times'Worth reading for ...
A sweeping and atmospheric story of family ties, interwoven mysteries, love and redemption, set between Scotland and Newfoundland, from the author of Waterstones Scottish Book of the Year The House Between Tides1940: Wounded in action, Archie Maxwell...