A tragic tale of friendship, passion and betrayal set against the backdrop of the Pendle witch trials of 1612, one of the most famous witch trials in English history. Scandalised as a young woman after being accused of seducing Tom Lister, a gentlem...
Twenty years after the first witch trials, is history about to repeat itself in Pendle? Following the sudden death of her father, Jennet Sellers arrives in Barley to live with the Holgates, her relatives whom she barely knows. Grieving, and thrown i...
What should you do when you discover that you’re the child of witches?
This is the predicament which faces Jennet Device. An illegitimate and lonely child, Jennet can only look on in horror while her family engage in the dark side of the fo...
Two troubled women. Two different decades. Two unsolved disappearances. Will the house that witnessed it all ever give up its secrets?In 1972 artist Eleanor Murray starts afresh in Kirtlebeck with her husband, Bert, and daughter, Anna. Still reeling ...
Spring, 1803. An uneasy peace between Britain and France endures - for now. In Edinburgh, as speculation grows about the resumption of war, the city's parlours and taverns find distraction in the intriguing new faces appearing in the affluent New Tow...