Darkly suspenseful and completely unexpected, The Wicked We Have Done is a debut author’s thrilling new take on New Adult romance. Nineteen-year-old Evalyn Ibarra never expected to be an accused killer and experimental prison test subject. A ye...
In The Wicked We Have Done , readers were introduced to Valerie Crane. But you don't know her the way you think you do. This is her story Valerie has always been different from her identical twin Veda. Tattooed, fiery, and foul-mouthed, Valerie ac...
In her stunning New Adult debut, The Wicked We Have Done, Sarah Harian introduced readers to the Compass Room: a twisted experimental jail where the guilty and the innocent suffer alike. But breaking out was only the beginning…Even though she’s e...
"Adventurous and imaginative, Harian imbues the world of Demura with an infectious charm and energy, and just enough danger and darkness. A gorgeous fantasy that will hook readers from page one." -- Madeleine Roux, New York Times-bestselling author o...