The classic tale of Sleeping Beauty is brought magically to life through Sarah Gibb's extraordinary artwork. The beautiful Princess Rosebud, the evil curse that sends her into a deep sleep, and her rescue by a charming prince are all represented in s...
A beautifully illustrated, magical re-telling of one of the most beloved fairy tales.Cinderella wears rags, and lives as a servant under the watchful eyes of her cruel stepsisters. So, when the King invites everyone to a grand ball for the Prince to ...
A beautifully illustrated, magical re-telling of one of the most-beloved fairy tales, which no child’s library should be without!The Little Mermaid is curious to see the world above the water, but it’s forbidden. One day, when nobody is is lookin...
A beautifully illustrated, magical new retelling of one of the most classic children’s fairy tales.Jealous of her beauty, Snow White’s stepmother sends her to the forest, never to return. Alone and afraid, Snow White makes seven kind friends who ...