Based on a true story, Twisted Timber is an emotionally gripping tale. It is set in Marietta, Georgia in 1954 at the cusp of a new civil rights movement. The reader is further transported back in time to war-torn Germany during the devastation of Wor...
Humor meets romance in this blush-free romantic comedy. Annie, a New York Times Bestselling romance author, has a deadline to keep. Jilted in love, she decides to train an unsuspecting and adorable beau to be her perfect mate, utilizing standard dogg...
Samantha Whitecliff has no family to celebrate the holidays with, so moving across the country during the Christmas holidays to start a new job is a welcomed start to the next chapter in her life, a chapter where she finally plans to live life like t...
Mariah Larkin is living her childhood dream of hitting sunny beaches on the weekends with her doting boyfriend. When she loses her job and breaks up with her boyfriend in the same week, she's forced to think about the reality of moving back in with h...
Sometimes it takes coming home to know what you've been missing.Simon Grant, one of seven billionaire brothers, returns home to Sun Valley to find the woman of his dreams working at his family's restaurant, but she turns him down. When he realizes th...