Fortune favors the opportunistic, and when mysterious Tombs housing ancient Relics started to appear, those lucky enough to first discover and harness the supernatural powers within them established a new world order. Others rushed to join the playin...
Jooheon heads to the fabulous city of Las Vegas with one goal in mind—nab every Relic he can at the secret auction! But first, he has to face fierce competition in the bidding war, including his archenemy, Chairman Kwon. The ante is upped even ...
TOMB RAIDER VS. THE WORLD Jooheon is back to doing what he does best—finding Relics...or stealing them! But as his collection grows, so does the list of enemies who’d spare no expense to pin down the crafty tomb raider. With entire govern...
A BATTLE IN THE HEART OF NEW YORKJooheon’s feud with General Kiera Clark comes to a head when she lures him out with hostages. No more running — it’s time to face off against the King of War! But as he steels himself for a fight, Ir...
TOMB WRITER KINGDetermined to get his hands on the powerful Relic within, Jooheon ventures into the first of the Seven Great Tombs. However, even this seasoned raider is helpless before the Relic of Sloth’s scorching flames! Just as he prepares...
IT’S HARD BEING POPULARWith the Relic of Sloth in his grasp, Jooheon is off to a great start. But there’s no time to rest on his laurels — the second of the Seven Great Tombs has suddenly appeared right in his home country! Living u...
A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANEWith the Relics of Sloth and Lust under his belt, Jooheon is running circles around his competition! But then Pandora kidnaps Jaeha, forcing Jooheon to venture into the Tomb of Envy without his trusty sidekick. To make matters ...
YESTERDAY’S ENEMY, TODAY’S FRIENDJooheon’s quest to find (and steal) all the Relics pits him against yet another teammate from his previous life. This time it’s Julian Miller, a paragon of righteousness and justice—in ot...
YOU ARE THE FATHERAfter his battle against the Chief Commander, Jooheon sleeps for a whole week, only to wake up to the last thing he was expecting—a nine-year-old child who claims to be his son! Eager to set the record straight, he heads to Ka...
Haunted by an Ancient Curse! On their journey to the Pentagon to steal Da Vinci’s relic, Jooheon and his team just can’t seem to stop encountering tombs. But this time, an assortment of enemies has all gathered to give Jooheon as much tro...
Jooheon’s latest adventure proved quite fruitful—not only did he obtain a bunch of powerful Relics, he was also able to leave his greatest enemy buried in the rubble! Though Chairman Kwon’s status is unknown, his absence results in ...