When a young girl moves into a new home, she slowly wins the affection of a shy Maine coon cat, as he meets the girl's kitten, chases dragonflies, and explores the neighborhood. Beautiful illustrations by Jeannie Brett enhance the gentle rhyming vers...
Come explore the Nifty Thrifty Store!
"Just because a thing is used, doesn't mean it's done... Sometimes new is better, but not for everyone!"
Bargain hunters of all ages will love this youngster's celebration of her local Thrifty Stor...
This book is printed in the Dyslexic font, the typeface for people with dyslexia. Go to www.dyslexiefont.com to find out more about the typeface.
Come explore the Nifty Thrifty Store!
"Just because a thing is used, doesn't mean it's do...
Did you ever wonder when you were a pup if a Poop Fairy comes to pick all the poop up? An impressionable, yet responsible puppy narrates this colorful picture book featuring a parade of neighborhood pooches who pile on the poop while their people loo...