ODIN'S PROMISE is a historical novel for middle-grade readers, a story of the first year of German occupation of Norway in World War II as seen through the eyes of a young girl. Eleven-year-old Mari grew up tucked under the wings of her parents, gran...
BJORN'S GIFT is a sequel to ODIN'S PROMISE, winner of the 2014 Midwest Book Award for Children's Fiction. Set in Norway during World War II, BJORN'S GIFT continues the exciting adventures of Mari, the young Norwegian girl who faces growing hardshi...
Mari's Hope delivers the dramatic conclusion to the Odin's Promise Trilogy, following Odin's Promise, winner of the 2014 Midwest Book Award for Children's Fiction, and Bjorn's Gift (2016). In Mari's Hope, set in occupied Norway in the final years ...
KA-BOOM! When storms send you running for cover, be brave, look up. Find a story in the storm to calm your fears and you just might helpsomeone you love. IS IT OVER? celebrates the power of love and storytelling to overcome fear. A prowling, growling...