Summers in Bar Harbor, Maine, were by no means dull. But the arrival of a big German cruise ship in 1914 loaded with passengers and crew caused a whirlwind of parties, romance, and splendor. For Temperance C. Butler and her innocent granddaughter A...
The Lufthansa plane touched down on the darkened landing strip in Rome and Maria Canossa breathed a sigh of relief. She was home...away from Berlin and nine years of a disastrous marriage...back to the refuge of the beautiful city of her childhood. ...
Camilla had always wished for grand things. It didn't take long for her to learn that it took more than a wish to win one's desire. She had seen her father's mansion built and paid for by dreams - not cash. And then she watched her family's resour...
SOMEWHERE IN THIS UNKNOWN COUNTRY WAS ThE MAN SHE LOVED AND HAD RISKED EVERYTHING TO FIND AGAIN... Proud and beautiful Anna Haynow could hardly remember the luxury and gracious aristocratic life she had known in Europe. In a heartbreakingly short...