From “a major new talent” come short stories set in modern Nepal, about arranged marriages, forbidden desires, and the universal yearning for human connection (Amitav Ghosh). Set in a city where gods are omnipresent, privacy is elusive, an...
A New York Times Notable Book: “A ravishingly seductive novel . . . set in contemporary Kathmandu” (Elle). Ramchandra is a math teacher earning a low wage and living in a small apartment with his wife and two children. Moonl...
“Startlingly good” stories of Nepali society set against the backdrop of violent Maoist insurgencies (San Francisco Chronicle). From an author like “a Buddhist Chekhov,” The Royal Ghosts features characters trying to reconcile their tr...
Upadhyay's new novel, Buddha's Orphans, uses Nepal's political upheavals of the past century as a backdrop to the story of an orphan boy, Raja, and the girl he is fated to love, Nilu, a daughter of privilege. Coveted by more than one woman, Raja is f...
Set in Samrat Upadhyay’s signature and timeless Nepal, The City Son offers a vivid portrait of a scorned woman’s lifelong obsession with revenge and the devastating ramifications for an impressionable young man. Acclaimed and award-winning aut...
Samrat Upadhyay’s new collection vibrates at the edges of intersecting cultures. Journalists in Kathmandu are targeted by the government. A Nepali man studying in America drops out of school and finds himself a part of the unrest in Ferguson, Misso...
“A Dickensian sweep and a vast cast of characters, Upadhyay created an ancient world saturated with the spirit of our time and shaped by political ambition and dark vision . . . A grand novel indeed.” -- Ha Jin, National Book Award"winning aut...