Set during the violent days of the Napoleonic Wars, this exciting debut novel explores the price of loyalty, the dangers of passion--and the transcendent power of love. Lady Celeste Rivenhall leads a double life: She is a British agent posing as a...
The acclaimed author of The Lady Lies returns to the tumultuous era of the Napoleonic Wars as a female spy discovers the consequences of desire... Nicole Beauvoire has many talents. She is intelligent and seductive and possesses the instincts of a...
The author of The Lady Lies and The Lady Killer delivers a riveting new novel of the bold choice a passionate woman makes as the Napoleonic Wars rage on... After her reputation is ruined by a vengeful enemy of her disreputable father, Lady Juliet ...
WHAT IF: A British war hero is captured by the French during the Napoleonic Wars, and upon escaping finds his beautiful capture waltzing through the ballrooms of London's Haute Ton? Originally titled The Lady Lies by Berkley Sensation, Napoleon's Wom...
WHAT IF: An English Lord infiltrates enemy lines to retrieve England's most successful assassin before she is captured by the French...but she refuses to leave Paris. The Romantic Times Award Winning author of Napoleon’s Woman returns to the tumult...