"[A]n essential read for horror enthusiasts." -- Booklist An unsettling, immersive, and wildly entertaining debut novel from "a major new talent!" (R.L. Stine)."[A] delightfully gooey blend of gothic, cosmic, folk and body horror churned by a sharp-...
In this shockingly fun wild ride of horrors, Sam Rebelein takes readers back to Renfield County and tells the story of two Rachels -- one who mistakenly starts a cult at her local high school and one who tries to dismantle it ten years later. 20...
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Sam Rebelein has published 3 books.
The next book by Sam Rebelein, Galloway's Gospel, will be published in September 2025.
The first book by Sam Rebelein, Edenville, was published in October 2023.