A sumptuous and sensual tale of power, romance, family, and betrayal centered around four sisters and one King. Carefully researched and ornately detailed, The Sisters of Versailles is the first book in an exciting new historical fiction trilogy abou...
And you thought sisters were a thing to fear. In this captivating follow-up to Sally Christie’s clever and absorbing debut, we meet none other than the Marquise de Pompadour, one of the greatest beauties of her generation and the first bourgeois mi...
Alex has worked out a foolproof plan to avoid being picked on. Don't React. It's so simple, it just might work. David, a boy in his class, does react. He's branded a weirdo, becomes an outcast, and is given a terrible nickname. Alex is determined ...
In the final installment of Sally Christie’s Mistresses of Versailles trilogy, Jeanne Becu, a woman of astounding beauty but humble birth, works her way from the grimy back streets of Paris to the palace of Versailles, where the aging King Louis XV...