In this exciting new series, the dramatic world of the Vikings is brought to life in vivid, historical detail. As brave warriors fight to defend family honor and tradition, they discover unexpected passion with memorable women who only further their ...
Amid the glittering fjords and majestic mountains of Norway, this stunning series delves into the loves, battles, and dreams of the Viking clans -- powerful men and women who believed in the call of the flesh as well as the soul… It was said tha...
The Vikings roamed and raided the known world, always returning to their beautiful, sacred realm. Now, a young Christian woman is forced into this land -- by a Viking lord with a secret he dares not reveal . . . From Istanbul to Ireland, Rorik of...
The epic conclusion to the Viking Lords SeriesEllisif of Vargfjell walks with the gods through the woods and mountains of her family's land, Vargfjell. The consummate hunter, she never misses her targets whether her prey is beast or man. But now, she...