Witnessed through the eyes of a young boy, a captivating story beautifully evokes John F. Kennedy’s return to his ancestral home. When the beloved president visited Ireland in 1963, he described it as the best four days of his life. And for a ge...
In a buoyant story filled with ewe-morous puns, a multicolored sheep who loves Christmas inspires a seasonal ritual. There are two things everyone knows about Hillary the sheep. One is that, unlike her typically hued friends, Hillary’s wool is all ...
In a buoyant story filled with ewe-morous puns, a multicolored sheep who loves Christmas inspires a seasonal ritual.
There are two things everyone knows about Hillary the sheep. One is that, unlike her typically hued friends, Hillary’s wool ...
There are two things everyone knows about Hillary the sheep. One is that, unlike her typically hued friends, Hillary’s wool is all the colors of the rainbow. The other is that she adores everything about Christmas, especially Santa. So when wor...