After a day spent signing autographs for fans, and completing his last few classes of high school, Reagane Jameson prepares to fight crime in Oracle City, alongside his gifted team of friends Just another day in the life. After losing both his pare...
After overcoming the loss of his Parents and Grandfather, discovering the true relationship between his cousin and himself, as well as stopping the Seven Deadly Sins from raising hell; what else could there be in store for Reagan Jameson? There is s...
After stopping the General and his team of vigilantes, expanding the Elements team and almost losing his first love, will the Big Apple really offer Reagan Jameson a chance to relax when their lives are put in jeopardy? Having received a call from ...
After discovering his brother and true biological parents, what his Grandfather was truly capable of and Crystallic's plan to bring forth an apocalypse, will Reagan have the strength to expand his protection detail worldwide? Having once again recei...