Like Upstairs/Downstairs on a cruiseship... A contemporary women's fiction novel that explores the secret lives of crew and passengers, thrown together on the high seas.When these travellers begin their adventure, they encounter much that is...
Now or Never is the third book in the contemporary women's fiction/family saga series, Prime Time, which began with Anna Mason’s story in Auld Acquaintance. In this book, two of Anna’s dear friends travel to Italy for very different and urgent f...
If I had had the wits to see through his charm, I would have run like the scared rabbit life had made of me. Sand in the Wind is the fourth story in the contemporary women's fiction Prime Time series. Set in Egypt, this story follows two friends as ...
When friends reunite after years apart, what secrets will be revealed? Valerie Westwood never expected to outlive her husband. David had been so full of life, such a commanding presence as a father and partner, that even after his cancer diagnosis, s...
The week in the Lake District apartment is over. Valerie, Sandra, Corinne and Zoe have shared secret parts of their lives but now they all return home. There are men in their lives who must adjust to changes they are not expecting....
So much has happened to Valerie and her friends in the decade since they spent a week of friendship and bonding in the Lake District. Now Valerie wants to revisit that memorable event but her plans have to change when an unexpected surprise takes pre...
Can three generations of a family survive a winter week together in a Mexican paradise? In the fourth book in this series we find Zoe Morton with her husband Wesley at an exclusive Mexican resort. It was meant to be a relaxing week in the sun with no...
A nineteenth century seaman's journal. A woman searching for renewal. An unexpected friendship.Is it possible that Gwen’s life could be transformed like her sister Emily’s? If so, which of the gentlemen, dead or alive, will claim her affections?...
A sequel to Ruth Hay’s Prime Time Series. Anna Mason Drake has seen many changes in her life. She returns to Oban once more, expecting a peaceful time among her friends. Will she find the respite she longs for, or another set of demandi...
When a woman has it all, will she risk everything for that one last dangerous dream? In the fifth book in this series, the amazing Mexican week is behind them but repercussions echo into the following months. In England, Zoe and Wesley must deal with...
Jillian and Zoe are two of the outstanding women in this contemporary women's fiction series. Each deserved a shorter book of their own to complete their life stories. These two books, Seven Days With Jillian, and Seven Days With Zoe, are here under ...
She never before had any choices in life and suddenly, without much warning, she was overwhelmed with serious decisions that could not be delayed.Does Gwen Harrison dare choose a whole new life for herself or will doubts and fears overcome her?Is it ...
It was a wonderful plan. A plan to solve all their problems and provide an old age designed exactly to their requirements. But the plan had a flaw. It would not work for just two women. Partners would be required. Several partners....
How far will a father go to save his daughter from a disastrous relationship? (Behind every disappearance there is a story. This one will make you aware.) Fear is only the beginning. My mother's legacy was more than financial...
A new women's fiction novel in the Home Sweet Home series by Ruth Hay! The perfect harmony of six women sharing a home is disrupted with the unexpected arrival of a fourteen-year-old girl-a long-lost relative who turns everything upside down.Com...
Phase three in the women's fiction series about the co-housing project: Home Sweet HomeCan anything surpass their first year together in Harmony House? One thing is certain. This amazing group of women has proved they are full of surprises. But life...
When the neighbours next door adopt three children in desperate need, the ladies of Harmony House embrace the sudden chaos with joy.But in this fourth instalment of the Home Sweet Home series, tragedy and loss are central as well. Light and shadow p...
Phase Five in Ruth Hay’s Home Sweet Home series.Harmony House was an experiment based on the principles of mutual help and support. When one of their members died, Hilary and Mavis knew more tests would arise as time went on. What they did not...
Ruth Hay's fifth fiction series, Starscopes, takes you into the lives of women who believe in coincidence or in following their instincts and the signs around them. A sweeping saga told over four novels, now complete!Do horoscopes influence you?Do yo...
Fiona of Glenmorie is the eighth story in the Prime Time series and companion novel to Return to Oban: Anna's Next Chapter Fiona Campbell is living a life she could never have imagined. With a busy husband, three children and a Net Zero house in...
The continuation of Ruth Hay's new women's fiction saga. Book two of four novels.Do horoscopes influence you?Do you believe in coincidence? Have there been times in your life when someone, or something, turns up at just the right moment to provide wh...
So much has changed in Octavia's life in only a few months. She really needs a chance to recover and adjust to these changes, but this is not always possible when the stars align to bring decisions and consequences to the fore.Do you believe in askin...
A new UK-set series from the author of the Prime Time and Home Sweet Home books! Perfect reads for fans of women's fiction and cozy mysteries alike.Everyone has secrets.Nothing stays secret forever.Justine Jordan arrives in the small village of Lenzi...
The fourth and final novel in Ruth Hay's sweeping women's fiction series about astrology and coincidence.... in which a number of things fall into, or out of, place.Will the stars align for Octavia and Sven, or will they drift apart forever?Can...
Returning to her Cornwall roots for rest and recovery may not be one of Justine's better decisions. She encounters a cat problem that almost overwhelms her, and she learns her past holds uncomfortable secrets that must now be faced.Everyone has ...
Justine returns to familiar territory and a new work assignment. She will be in the midst of a difficult situation with asylum seekers that she could never have imagined before. This time she has with her a small companion who must prove her wor...
Has Justine settled down at last?As a new homeowner and the custodian of three cats, Justine has a lot to learn. There are, however, aspects to this learning that she never could have imagined. Dr. Daniel Hudson is unexpectedly the one who unlocks th...
Elizabeth Goodwin Mowat reaches the point in her life where she must face home truths. Is she happy in her marriage? Has she made a good job of rearing her children? Can she live with the secrets that blight her happiness? Does she owe the rest of he...
The disastrous explosion at Journey's End throws Justine into a dilemma just when she thought her life was becoming more normalized.What choices does she have now? How will she deal with three very different cats? How will she cope with the chal...
So much in Elizabeth's life is unsettled. Will the old Goodwin Farmhouse remain standing long enough to give up all its secrets?How much can she hope to rely on Opal?How will Aaron adjust to his new reality?Will Barbara be able to reconcile with her ...
Justine believes the terrible catamount confrontation on the Glenmorie estate in Scotland is all behind her.Daniel Hudson knows better, however, and it is up to him to try to mitigate the catalogue of effects from that incident that are not yet resol...
Elizabeth Goodwin Mowat sacrificed many years to bring up her family. Her secret desire to escape and live a different life has been thwarted by the needs of her mother, Sadie Goodwin, and the cascade of problems resulting from the COVID-19 ep...
The global pandemic has changed lives in both significant, and small, ways. Elizabeth's family have a better sense of the importance of every day, and every person in their connected lives, as well as the importance of fulfilling their delayed...
As the ninth book in Ruth Hay's beloved Prime Time Series begins, Anna Mason Drake finds herself in a dilemma. Many of her richest memories, and her most dear acquaintances, are in Oban, Scotland, while she is trapped in Canada by the global pan...
Rosalie did not realize just how sad and depressed she was until a chance encounter with a reminder of her past life, brought her new hope and purpose. She never could have imagined just how transformative that encounter would be. From the autho...
When Rosalie Frobisher joined The Minstrels group, there was no one more pleased than Carlos Gonzalez. For him, she formed a bridge between his early life and the present one. He dreamed of finally blending these two realities, with Rosa...
Rosalie Frobisher finds herself in a desperate condition. She must make a break with everything and everyone she has relied upon and throw herself on the mercy of a family she has treated very badly. She must flee to the other side of t...
With everything in Australia thrown into turmoil, can Rosalie's friends far away in Canada, come to her rescue in time to save lives? Jean and Margaret, Carlos and James, must play significant roles, but it may be Thomas Kent who brings a...
Anna has remained in Oban, in her beloved McCaig Estate Farmhouse, with Ashley's family. They have had some difficult settling-in times, but at last all seems to be calm and comfortable with baby Austin now approaching three years old. ...
A young married couple with everything ahead of them and a fine home in which to begin their new life together. Sounds perfect? Take a peek behind the fancy exterior and see what is really happening in their lives....
Veronica Maxwell is not sure she likes marriage and all the restrictions it requires of her. She definitely dislikes being poor. She enjoys most of all, her work as a beauty consultant. Her husband, Dale Maxwell, is willing to make most ...
Yvette Lawrence is divorced, raising two young children whom she shares with her ex. She has not yet adjusted to this different life in which her ex has a new wife.Conrad Pender is recently divorced, starting over, and moving away from home, with no ...
It was Samuel Logan's big chance to pull himself ahead of his pack of ambitious colleagues by doing a Teacher Exchange program for a year. He needed to present a united front as a respectable man with a partner, as well as a good teacher. The questio...
Fear is only the beginning.Rena's mother left her a roadmap to freedom. This is the beginning of a story of disappearance, built on bravery and hard choices.Book One in a three part series, formerly published in part as Borderlines....
How far will a father go to save his daughter from a disastrous relationship?Rena's mother's legacy was more than financial, it was a way out. It was a new beginning. This is the second part of that story.Book Two in a three part series, formerly pub...
Is it even possible to create a new and successful life, out of utter chaos?Rena has survived so much trauma at the hands of an evil narcissist, and now she is on the verge of another major change.Does she have the strength of will to remake her life...
Rachel has learned that money is a good thing.Money buys privacy in a grand house set in lovely surroundings.Money buys fine furnishings, clothes and jewellery.But … money can't buy everything.Faithful husbands cannot be purchased at any price...
Everyone has Secrets.Justine has more than most.Justine hopes to retreat to the Glass House with Dan and their cats for a period of recovery.It soon becomes evident that she is needed back in Oban, where more than one unusual event causes her to exte...
Justine knows she has risked her health because of the unusual series of events in Oban, not to mention the frightening encounter with Dan's former wife!Her plan to rest and recover at home with her three cats meets with Dan's approval, but Spring br...
I had a difficult choice to make.Was it going to be worth my while to chase down this unlikely family connection, or would it be a time-wasting, wild goose chase?Were there ghosts in my past, beyond the ones I was aware of, that might pop up and scar...
Her peaceful life on the edge of Dartmoor is beginning to seem like a lost dream as Daniel is drawn into more dangerous work in Ukraine, and Justine finds herself once more involved with Sandray, Fiona and Gordon in Oban.Will one short trip fix every...
The early years with Sandray Campbell alerted her family and friends to prepare for something wonderful.Justine set Fiona and her daughter on the right track, but she had pressing concerns of her own at home that she must attend to.What can be expect...