When handsome detective Justin Reid finds himself desperate for childcare, the single father turns to a co- worker, who recommends Jubilee Preschool and Daycare -- owned and operated by Julie Masters. Julie agrees to bring the detective’s small s...
Melody Hudson is a dedicated police officer, and she loves her life on the force. When her former neighbor, Chase Carter, returns to town to take a position as principal of the local high school, chance throws Melody and Chase together often in their...
Erin Lange is a relative newcomer to Lakeview. She loves her job as a police officer, but decides to take a second job as a real estate agent to occupy her off hours. Unfortunately, she agrees to take on a listing that other agents won't touch the La...
When Paige Kelley’s grandmother, Mary, calls for her to come to her aid after breaking her foot, Paige rushes to the Oregon Coast. She is relieved her grandmother is all right, but soon learns the real reason she asked her to come. Mary’s beloved...
When Lacey Karr is notified that her grandmother is ill, she races to her hometown. Sadly, her grandmother passes away just as Lacey is left incapacitated by a bad car accident. She finds herself forced to rely on the kindness of her childhood nemesi...
“Deputy down.” When rookie detective Maggie Halsey hears the tragic dispatch, she assumes Deputy Kyle Moore had a heart attack or was hit by a car. Then she arrives on the scene and discovers that Moore has been murdered -- found shot in the...
Please note: This book was removed from publication for a time, in order to address the issue of the ever-changing name of one of the main characters. The author is sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused, and vows never to spell a charact...
When six-year-old Sunny arrived at Dustin “Dusty” Relic’s home years before, bedraggled and abused, he made a decision he never regretted -- he kept her and raised her as his own child. When adult Sunny returns home after years away, she finds...