This story is about a vampire's struggle with the human condition coupled with his struggle to accept his vampirism as he attempts to make sense of his life, and discover his soul with the help of a mortal woman, and his best friend who is also a...
After more than 500 years, Christian Desmonde is finally going to be reunited with Diana, his sister whom he never knew had joined the immortal world of the vampire. But Diana, who had also been deceived into believing her brother was killed in...
Noahs Garden is a story of lifes most important lessons as seen through the eyes of a variety of animals and mythical entities, both in nature around us and in our imaginations. It takes us through the life of one stray dog named Jewell as she discov...
Vampires learn from Serella Stone, a witch from the 13th century, that energy in any form can only be restructured, but never destroyed. That becomes the basis for how it´s possible that Audra Trivette and Gaetano Minotti are still very much in ...
Charlie Masters is a man who ends up torn between his two best friends: his sister Deirdre and her husband John Camper. Influenced by otherworldly forces, Deirdre ends up leaving her husband, but taking their children. This causes Charlie to be torn...
Steve Maldier is an architect specializing in designing and redesigning homes. His wife, Elaina, is an interior decorator, but both are working for other companies when they’d rather be working for themselves. When they’re forced to take a busin...
The very day Jimmy Stock is forced to close the Buffalo Steel Plant offices for the final time and walk away from his position as Northeast CEO, is the same day he’s given an unexpected, and unrequested, gift that he doesn’t even know he ...