In this warm, enchanting debut novel, Rosanna Chiofalo evokes the extraordinary beauty of Venice, the charm of a close-knit New York neighborhood, and the joys of friendship, family, and surprising second chances. . . Valentina DeLuca has made hun...
Rosanna Chiofalo’s “Seven Days of Christmas” introduces Bianca Simone, who received a wonderful early Christmas gift from her boyfriend, Mark, five years ago -- a week amid the stunning Alpine scenery of Innsbruck, Austria. Now she’s back und...
Rosanna Chiofalo's poignant, beautifully written new novel evokes the stunning scenery of Sicily and the Aeolian Islands and tells of mothers and daughters, love and sacrifice--and the choices that resound across continents and through generations. ...
In Rosanna Chiofalo’s touching novel, a unique pastry shop features mouthwatering creations that have the power to change one woman’s life… Food writer Claudia Lombardo has sampled exquisite dishes by the world’s greatest chefs. But when s...
Rosanna Chiofalo returns with another evocative, beautifully written novel set against the stunning vistas of Tuscany... In the fields around Tuscany in summertime, sunflowers grow in profusion -- wave upon wave of gold and green standing tall ag...