The thrilling first book in a YA fantasy trilogy for fans of Red Queen. In a world where social prestige derives from a trifecta of blood, money, and magic, one girl has the ability to break the spell that holds the social order in place. Sixteen-...
Lost Crow Conspiracy is the dark, dazzling, action-packed sequel to Anna Arden's explosive societal debut in YA fantasy trilogy Blood Rose Rebellion. Sixteen-year old Anna Arden was once just the magically barren girl from an elite Luminate fa...
"Prepare to be spellbound" in this fast-paced and action-packed final installment of the Blood Rose Rebellion trilogy, perfect for fans of Six of Crows. The Binding is broken. Mátyás is alive. And Anna Arden is on the run. It seems, yet agai...
A sweeping adventure, set in the late 19th century, about science, love, and finding your place in the world, perfect for fans of Ruta Sepetys and Julie Berry.Seventeen-year-old Elizabeth Bertelsen dreams of becoming an astronomer, but she knows such...
For fans of Bridgerton, a Regency romance by Rosalyn Eves about three young women, their big dreams, and a London Season gone awry.When Thalia, Kalliope, and Charis set off to Regency London for their first Season, they each have clear goals -- few o...
A standalone companion to An Improbable Season, this Regency romance -- perfect for fans of Bridgerton -- is about following your heart, pursuing your dreams, and falling head over heels in love.Eleanor did not come to London to be proper an...