Author Information
Ronald Firbank's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    10 Books
  • First Book:
    May 1981
  • Latest Book:
    November 2024
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Book List in Order: 10 titles

  • "A person who dislikes Ronald Firbank,"" quipped W. H. Auden, ""may, for all I know, possess some admirable quality, but I do not wish ever to see him again."" Edmund Wilson pronounced him ""one of the finest writers of his period."" Part high camp c...

  • Three More Novels is a series of animated tableaux filled with beautiful, eccentric women pursuing pleasure in the most wicked, perverse, irresponsible ways, written by an extraordinary Englishman who dared to be as original in his books as he was...

  • Ronald Firbank (1886-1926) was a British novelist known for his satirical and eccentric works. His writing style is typically ornate and characterized by a unique, humorous touch. His novels often revolve around high-society life, religious themes, a...

  • Her ladyship languishes on the jaguar-skin sofa, robed in pyjamas; a negro boy roams the gold city streets, searching for a shabet but dreaming of butterflies; there, encased in a chasuble, his Eminence baptises the Duquesa DunEden. These are scenes ...

  • Sarah Sinquier, living with her father and mother, a cathedral canon and his wife, in a town bursting with churches, is champing at the bit.She has a dream: the stage. Her dramatic sense is certainly acute. Shall she simply recite, as her father ...

  • The fairly young and entirely alive Mrs. Shamefoot wants nothing more than to have a memorial stained-glass window installed in her honor in an English cathedral. From this premise, the inimitable Ronald Firbank extends his witty, eccentric Vainglory...

  • Miss O'Brookomore became evasive. "I want you to repress yourself a little for a few days. Be more discreet." "Because ----" "Professor and Mrs. Cowsend have the rooms next ours..." "Buz Let them " "Also, the Arbanels are here on their honeymoon.......

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Ronald Firbank has published 10 books.

Ronald Firbank does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, SORROW IN SUNLIGHT, was published in November 2024.

The first book by Ronald Firbank, Five Novels, was published in May 1981.

No. Ronald Firbank does not write books in series.