AWARDSWinner in Science Fiction Category - NYC Big Book Award 2021A UNIVERSE AWAKENSA mysterious structure encompasses Earth, and while the Church of the New Elect prepares for communion with the Sentience, a dark and distant worl...
A century has passed since the Cage event, with millions of people taken to the planet Kiranis. With the Shield around Earth nearing completion, its enigmatic architects are about to make themselves known. Powerful men are in control of Kwaios techno...
ALL PROFITS FROM THIS VOLUME GO DIRECTLY TO A CHARITY FOR SUICIDE PREVENTIONWelcome to the Darkness - the good kind. This is the kind that helps, the kind that heals, the kind that shows us the way. And we all need guidance from time to time. In Chan...
WELCOME TO THE ABSOLUTIONAboard the stolen Absolution flagship, Icarus, Philip Arthur seeks revenge against the unseen prophet-killer beyond the Barrier, facing his demons as the ship pierces the void. But Philip Arthur was ever destined to fly too c...